Why Poetry?

"There is nothing better than saying nothing." - Ryokan

Why do I read and write poems?

Poetry, to me, is a nexus of opposites. It is where language (thought) and experience (reality) meet. 

The worst thing to do is explain a poem. 

In the same way as a joke is no longer funny if it is explained; it takes the epiphany of a realisation to elicit laughter and the epiphany of reflection to experience a poem. 

A poem is a mirror. 

If we don't see ourselves or some of our own experience in a poem, it falls flat. Bad poetry is just words. 
Good poetry is words woven together to create a reflective surface that resonates
Like a clear pool with hidden depths it is reflective on the surface but you can dive in - become immersed. 

That is the goal. 
Otherwise, why say anything at all?

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